Why is Bloggy CMS written with ASP.NET Core?


Asp.Net Core is a powerful general-purpose development platform, allowing developers to create rich web and mobile applications. It is highly streamlined and component-based, making it easy to work with different modules or components in the same project. It runs on the latest .Net framework and is fully compatible with Microsoft Azure. It comes with a variety of powerful features such as site configuration, routing, user authentication, and more, making it a powerful choice for any web development project.

ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform, open source web application framework developed and maintained by Microsoft. It consists of the CoreCLR, a managed runtime environment for running .NET applications, and the ASP.NET Core Framework, a set of libraries that help you build web applications.

Entity Framework is a powerful ORM (Object Relational Mapping) framework, designed to increase developer productivity by simplifying database access and manipulation.It enables you to model your data in terms of objects and properties, and then map those objects to a database. EF simplifies data retrieval, operations, and automated maintenance, while still providing developers with maximum control over the data logic. EF is used often in combination with Asp.Net Core, allowing developers to quickly and easily create complex applications. This makes it easy to work with your data in your applications, regardless of the underlying database technology.

CMS (Content Management System) is a software platform used to create and manage websites. CMSs allow users to create, manage, and update websites without any coding knowledge. They provide users with an easy-to-use environment to manage content, edit pages, and customize website layouts. Popular CMSs include Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, and Magento. 

When combined, Asp.Net Core and Entity Framework form a powerful web development stack. Asp.Net Core provides the foundations for developing complex web applications, Entity Framework simplifies database access, and CMS provides users with an intuitive way to manage content on websites. Developers can take advantage of the features and ease of use of each tool to quickly and intuitively deliver complex applications. 

Whether you’re developing applications for the enterprise or creating a website for personal use, Asp.Net Core, Entity Framework, and CMS are powerful tools that can help you get the job done faster.

Blogging systems are a great way to share your thoughts and ideas with the world. There are a number of open source blogging systems available, most of which are free and easy to use.

A personal website is a great way to showcase your work, your ideas, and your personality. There are a number of open source website builders available that make it easy to create a website with no programming required.

Overall, open source software is a great way to get access to high-quality software that you can customize to your needs. If you're interested in giving it a try, there are a number of excellent open source projects out there to choose from.